Big Questions

How we're tackling some of the most complex global challenges.


How might we leverage play to take on today's biggest challenges?

Applying the principles of play to connect with people at a deeper emotional level that captivates, delights, empowers and transforms.

How might we design for thriving, living systems?

Design allows us to create circular or regenerative products, services, and systems, providing shared value for society and the environment

How can we use AI to make things better for humans?

Combining data, design, and machine learning to build intelligent products and services that improve people's lives

How does design drive new ventures?

Big companies want to behave more like startups. Startups want to scale like big companies. Time to start thinking like a designer.

How can we design a better food system for everyone?

Building the products, solutions, and organizations we need for the future of food

How will we move people and things in the future?

Designing for the future of autonomous mobility, multi-modal transportation, and the ever-changing technology that fuels it

How will we personalize health?

Building products, services, and experiences that advance healthcare for patients and providers

How can government be more citizen-centered?

Helping government agencies make complex, bureaucratic systems accessible to everyone. And in the process, building a culture of innovation from within.

How can design advance learning and education?

We partner with changemakers who believe that learning has the power to transform lives and organizations in service of a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for everyone.

What makes organizations more creatively competitive?

In today’s fast-changing world, helping leaders and companies evolve and grow through human-centered design