

A selection of case studies

CASE STUDYNew York Civil Liberties Union

Sparking a Conversation Around Policing in NYC

CASE STUDYNew York Civil Liberties Union

Sparking a Conversation Around Policing in NYC

CASE STUDYThe Rockefeller Foundation

Designing Waste Out of the Food System

CASE STUDYNemours Children’s Hospital

A Hospital Centered on the Patient Experience

CASE STUDYThe National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

Building a Birth Control Support Network for Women

CASE STUDYCalifornia Health Care Foundation

Making Health Insurance Enrollment Easy

CASE STUDYNemours Children’s Hospital

A Hospital Centered on the Patient Experience

CASE STUDYThe Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Giving Ed Tech Entrepreneurs a Window into the Classroom

CASE STUDYThe National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

Building a Birth Control Support Network for Women


Redesigning Death

CASE STUDYThe Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

From Libraries to Learning Labs

CASE STUDYCalifornia Health Care Foundation

Making Health Insurance Enrollment Easy

CASE STUDYThe San Francisco Department of Emergency Management

Designing a City Emergency Plan